
Polymer insulator (composite) is an electrical device consisting of insulation section made of polymer materials and metal fittings.
The insulation unit is made of fiberglass. The protective ribbed mold is made of silicon organic rubber. Flanges are made of antirust alloy thus providing safe long-term operation under various climatic conditions.
Production facilities for IPRP insulators manufacturing is located at the factory belonging to the “Alfa-Energo” in Russia, near Moscow.
- Insulation section – an element bearing mechanical and electric loads and consisting of insulation core unit covered with protective mold;
- Insulation core unit – a rod made of composite dielectric substance – fiberglass, as a rule (tar reinforced with fiberglass) or consisting of separate elements assembled at the unit in a particular order.
- Insulator fittings – flanges (end terminals) and screen fittings.
Perfect Design
- Simple maintenance. No necessity in washing of insulation during the entire service lifespan when mounted in recommended areas of pollution.
- Light weight (3-5 times lesser than the porcelain counterpart)
- Hydrophobic properties and anti-pollution design.
- High shock resistance
- Seismic and moist-discharge properties
- High resistance to torsion and flexure
- Vandal-proof design
- Safe coupling between flange and fiberglass rod (patent No 2173902, international application under the PCT, No PCT/RU02/00239)
- Application of organic-silicon rubbers produced by the world leading manufacturers with designed out-doors service life of at least 30 years
- No brittle failure and ten-fold mechanical FOS (factor of safety)
- Dielectric strength exceeds 40 kV/cm - as a result of a solid fiberglass rod application.
- Flanges are manufactured of substance not subject to corrosion (aluminum and zinc alloy)
The design of the polymer post rod insulator provides necessary mechanical ruggedness, rigidity and dielectric strength and that is stipulated by the choice of insulation material type, load-bearing unit cross-section, the structure’s dimensions and shape of flange connections.
The coupling flange is also a key component of the insulator’s design. Its shape provides maximal decrease of electric field intensity in the vicinity of its coupling with insulation unit thus significantly increasing the fault-free operation of the device.
Economic Benefits
Introduction of polymer insulators allows achieving significant economic benefits in comparison with porcelain type insulators on account of:
- Low costs of transportations, loading/unloading works (due to lesser weight and dimensions);
- No breakage during transportation, handling, loading/unloading and assembly works;
- Possible application in hard-to-reach areas (swampy areas and highlands);
- Low costs (or no necessity at all) for insulators cleaning;
- Low costs of repair and replacement of insulators (due to increased reliability and shock resistance as well as no need in usage of mobile telescopic derricks for their assembly)
